
Axidian Privilege 2.10. is now available:

Now in addition to Active Directory and FreeIPA, Axidian Privilege supports OpenLDAP and ALD PRO directory services. Another important update introduces Ad hoc resources, which allow you to connect to any resources without having to add them to PAM in advance. Also, in version 2.10 you can connect PAM to SIEM systems natively.

To learn about all the new features implemented in Axidian Privilege 2.10, read this article.

OpenLDAP and ALD
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Axidian introduces Axidian Privilege 2.9.

Now you can select FreeIPA directory service as a user directory. This means that now Axidian Privilege can be installed not only on Windows, but also on any Linux distribution with Docker support.

Axidian introduced a new component RDP Proxy, which is based on freely distributed software. This component allows administrators to control connections to protected resources via the RDP protocol.

User groups feature is upgraded. Earlier you

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