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Axidian introduces Axidian CertiFlow version 7.0.

With the latest update, Axidian CertiFlow version 7.0. has improved the policy assignment workflow, implemented a service for internal electronic document management, enhanced card management capabilities with Axidian Agent, and more.

See what’s new in Axidian CertiFlow version 7.0.

Internal document management

Axidian CertiFlow is now powered by an internal document management service. It allows to administer the

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Axidian Privilege 2.10. is now available:

Now in addition to Active Directory and FreeIPA, Axidian Privilege supports OpenLDAP and ALD PRO directory services. Another important update introduces Ad hoc resources, which allow you to connect to any resources without having to add them to PAM in advance. Also, in version 2.10 you can connect PAM to SIEM systems natively.

To learn about all the new features implemented in Axidian Privilege 2.10, read this article.

OpenLDAP and ALD
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In an ever-evolving digital landscape, the importance of robust cybersecurity solutions cannot be overstated. Recognizing this imperative, Axidian announces its strategic partnership with Forcyber. Forcyber is a leading cybersecurity integration firm headquartered in Romania. Together Forcyber and Axidian deliver modern IT security solutions.

Forcyber is dedicated to fortifying the digital landscapes of businesses through seamless integration of cutting-edge cybersecurity solutions.

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In an exciting development, Axidian proudly announces its expanded partnership with ManageIT, a dynamic African Technology company. This strategic collaboration aims to deepen Axidian’s footprint in the African region, particularly in Kenya, bringing a wealth of benefits to organizations seeking advanced IT security solutions.

ManageIT is an African Technology company that empowers organizations by focusing on the needs of people they serve; they enable their customers to deliver

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In a strategic move to advance digital capabilities in the Philippines, Axidian is announcing a transformative partnership with TRUDI Solutions. This collaboration created to redefine the technological landscape, offering a multitude of benefits to organizations seeking modern IT solutions. Both companies are striving for innovation and excellence. This collaboration will offer tailored solutions to meet the evolving demands of businesses in the region. 

TRUDI is a reliable partner for

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Axidian introduces Axidian Privilege 2.9.

Now you can select FreeIPA directory service as a user directory. This means that now Axidian Privilege can be installed not only on Windows, but also on any Linux distribution with Docker support.

Axidian introduced a new component RDP Proxy, which is based on freely distributed software. This component allows administrators to control connections to protected resources via the RDP protocol.

User groups feature is upgraded. Earlier you

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Guardians of Identity: Axidian and NGN at AICS 2023
Posted by Irina on 14 December 2023 07:04 PM

From December 5th to 6th, Axidian, in collaboration with our esteemed partner NGN, embarked on a significant journey at the Arab International Cybersecurity Conference & Exhibition (AICS) 2023 in Bahrain. 

Returning to Bahrain after a few years, the Axidian team was delighted to witness the substantial growth and development in the IT security market. This conference presented an opportunity to network with industry leaders, learn about the latest trends and technologies, and engage

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From November 14 to 16, 2023, the Axidian team, led by EMEA Director Konstantin Krasovskij, shared exclusive experience in Marrakech alongside our colleagues from HTBS. The occasion was the Africa IT Meetings 2023, where we not only shared our innovative solutions but also had the privilege of experiencing the dynamic African market firsthand.

Over the course of three busiest days, our team engaged with attendees, showcasing our modern products, including Axidian Privilege (PAM),

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Empowering IT Security Excellence: Axidian and NGN Join Forces
Posted by Irina on 16 November 2023 02:07 PM

In a significant stride towards bolstering cybersecurity capabilities, Axidian, a worldwide IT security vendor, has officially signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with NGN, a leading IT Systems Integrations and Managed Cyber Security Company based in Bahrain. This partnership aims to deliver robust authentication, comprehensive access management, Privileged Access Management (PAM), Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and identity threat detection and response solutions (ITDR) in the

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From the 16th to the 20th of October, our team joined the world’s largest tech show GITEX held in Dubai. ​​Our team has been visiting GITEX for many years but this year for the first time we joined GITEX as exhibitors with our own stand. Axidian was presented by our regional director MENA, Georgy Ovanesyan, head of global sales and partnerships, Anna Surovova, and head of marketing, Tatyana Barinova. 

These days were full of innovations and networking as GITEX provided an immersive

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