General information about Indeed CM and AirKey Enterprise licensing
Posted by Mikhail Yakovlev, Last modified by Mikhail Yakovlev on 07 March 2019 01:00 PM

A system identifier is required to generate licenses. This is a unique value formed depending on the location of Indeed CM user directories. Licenses are subdivided into two types:

  1. Temporary - these are issued for pilot implementation and product testing by customer. Such licenses are limited by three month validity period.
  2. Constant - these are issued upon purchase of Indeed CM and/or AirKey Enterprise. This license type is not limited in time.

Regardless of the type, licenses are issued for a certain number of users. If your organisation has, say, 100 licenses for Indeed CM or AirKey Enterprise, this means that one license is used for assignment of a device to a user. If the issued device is unassigned from user, the license becomes free again and can be used for other users.

Note: A single user can have several devices assigned. If a user has two or more devices assigned, only one license is used altogether.

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